Couple Therapy
Couple Therapy aims to support a deeper connection between the partners, who will then rediscover a fulfilling intimacy; reignite the relationship, passionate and fun again. Through learning how to better meet each other’s needs, partners will create emotional safety in the couple; conflicts will be addressed at the roots and the communication between partners will improve.
Reasons for couples to seek couple therapy include:
- Frequent arguments
- Lack of communication with the partner
- Different goals and values
- Lack of intimacy and sexual desire
- Jealousy and betrayal
- Impact of professional life on the relationship
- Financial issues
- Adapting to marriage or becoming parents
- Family conflicts
- Impact of personal issues on the relationship
- Abusive or controlling behaviour
- Commitment issues
- Difficulties to cope with divorce or separation
Services I Offer
Individual Therapy
Counselling & Psychotherapy is aimed at personal growth and development. Therapy will provide you with professional support when you feel low, anxious or stressed, and it can guide you along a path of positive change...
read moreCouple Therapy
Through learning how to better meet each other's needs, partners will create emotional safety in the couple; conflicts will be addressed at the roots and the communication between partners will improve....
read moreWorking with Children & Young People
Life can present children and young people with difficulties due to an ever-growing number of particular challenges. As a skilled therapist I can present a playful and restorative way in engaging with those difficulties...
read moreGroup Therapy
Group therapy typically involves a small group of people (between six - 12) and a therapist. On the whole normally there is a nature of concern which already exists within groups...
read moreOnline Therapy
Online therapy has become a new way of doing therapy and even though I have offered this service prior to the pandemic, it can be a useful tool for almost everyone...
read moreCancellations Policy
If you need to cancel or rearrange a session, please contact me at least 24 hours before your appointment. If we begin working together, there is a cancellation policy in place.
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